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[英文] 旅游景点桂林山水英文介绍 [複製鏈接]

桂林山水是对桂林旅游资源的总称。典型的喀斯特地形构成了别具一格的桂林山水,桂林山水所指的范围很广,项目繁多。桂林山水山青、水秀、洞奇、石美,包括山、水、喀斯特岩洞、石刻等等。在桂林山水中又以漓江流经阳朔的那一段最为美丽,故而有“桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林”之美誉 。2014年6月23日,第三十八届世界遗产大会上以桂林为首的中国南方喀斯特第二期项目申遗成功,正式成为世界自然遗产,桂林山水荣登世界自然遗产名录
& X5 w+ C1 m$ J) p4 t  As a center for tourism,Guilin boasts magnificentnatural beauty and many precious culturalrelics.The colorful ethnic background lends a touch ofmystery that enhances its fame.2 U: A# F% r/ P7 D3 g, _7 `" k
  作为一个旅游的中心城市,桂林以其迷人的自然风景和大量珍贵的文化古迹而享有盛誉。其多姿多彩的民族特色更是为其增添了神秘的色彩。/ J3 z* E6 I( K8 b' h# H  d
  Lijiang River symbolizes the area,as this picturesque river is a major component of Guilinscenery and is publicly recognized as the first-class tourist resort in the world. As it sparkles inthe sunlight the river meanders through lush mountains like a liquid jade belt. To reallyappreciate the scenery a cruise from Guilin to Yangshuo is a must and your voyage ofdiscovery can be divided roughly into three sections.
: i( O" O0 G/ Z" U) b) h' A  漓江是桂林山水风景区的象征这条如诗如画的玉带是桂林山水的一个主要组成部分,是举世公认的旅游胜地。在阳光下闪烁养耀眼光芒的漓江水扰如一条玉带蜿蜒穿人绿木葱笼的山间。人们到桂林游漓江,主要是从桂林乘船顺流而下至阳朔这段83公里的水路。沿途风光大致可以分为三大部分。4 ~/ ~$ F5 @' G, w
, c9 G, d7 E6 C" L4 ~/ W8 a
  The first of these is from downtown Guilin where you board the cruiser to Huangniu Xia(valley ).As soon as you leave the landing stage you will begin to enjoy the natural wonder and localcustoms.: ~' c- F5 g* ?) s
  第一部分是从桂林市区登上开往黄牛峡(山谷)的旅游船。船一离岸,你就能开始感受到周围自然奇观和当地民族风情的妙不可言。$ I3 c$ Q4 F7 `/ ^+ C3 a+ T5 ?3 K( \5 C
  Upon reaching Huangniu Xia(valley).the cruiser enters upon the second section. This part is thevery essence of Lijiang River. The gorgeous mountains and the crystal water together with theromantic legends are certain to impress you./ B" y% y4 t' S( A* N7 |, H$ j
  到达黄牛峡(山谷)时,游船即带你进入了观光的第二个部分。这个部分可是漓江风光的真正精华:平地拔起、千姿百态的山;蜿蜒曲折、明洁如镜的水;以及美丽动听的故事传说无疑会深深地们动人们的心灵。8 R2 q, M3 X, X  f! i! p5 Y; {' K
  Shuiluo Village marks the beginning of the third and final section that ends at Yangshuo. Alongthis stretch of the river you pass through pastoral scenes unchanged for generations as thebanks are lined with quaint fishing villages,farmland and bamboo groves. Here you will seewater buffalo,ducks swimming in line and the small boats used by fishermen when they plythe river with cormorants to catch fish from its abundant stocks. This quiet rural beauty.astunning contrast to the hustle and bustle of the modern city streets,is a joy to behold.2 C- y# {1 Y4 ]2 X) S
  到了水螺村,即标志着人们进入观光的第三部分,这一部分一直持续到整个水程的终点阳朔。在这一段水面上,人们将经过百余年未曾有过改变的田园诗般的美丽景地:两岸一个个古老而别致的渔村 ,一片片风景画般的农田和一片片郁郁葱葱的竹林。在这里,们还能看到成群的水牛,游成一线的水鸭以及渔民们带着鸬鹚在水中捕鱼时所用的小船。这种宁静的乡村美景与人群涌动、喧嚣触沸的城市街道相比竟是那么地不同,令人身心愉悦,流连忘返!
8 Z8 P* g1 I5 R; J( Y4 u  There are havens of peace within the city such as Diecai Hill(Folded Brocade Hill),also namedGui Hill. This hill is easy to climb,making it popular with visitors.While stepping into theNayun Pavilion on Mingyue Peak,you will be rewarded with a panoramic view of the whole city.- z9 S8 u" L, J2 H  v+ ]( x
  桂林市内也有闹中取静的地方,如叠彩山,又名桂山此山平缓易爬,深受游人喜爱。当人们踏人明月峰上的拿云亭时,可以饱览整个城市的美丽风貌。4 N0 l& r$ I7 k2 h- ~6 O
  There are more than 30 noted scenic spots within the boundaries of Guilin Peak. Among themare a hill standing in solitary loftiness in the center of the city:the Elephant Trunk Hill,thecity's symbol,so named because of its resemblance to an elephant's sipping water from theLijiang River with its trunk.% k5 O4 T) u% h, G8 I+ A
. F* ]5 Z, ^' K/ x8 E  The city also boasts other beautiful hills,such as the Fubo Hill,which is supposed to restrainthe waters of the Lijiang River,and Nanxi Hill that stands magnificently like a huge screen.6 J4 K/ M4 n$ a. g. L# o9 L4 @  G
( M/ |. [9 z& V+ x3 d6 e% g/ [$ ~' g3 J, R( m' [6 b
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