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[英文] 旅游英语阅读:西藏十大旅游景点 [複製鏈接]

' d( n; m( t: [2 r+ [$ M  C  1 Potala Palace 布达拉宫
7 t+ b% O+ i6 F/ _2 y7 E; K9 l  The Potala Palaceis considered to bea model ofTibetanarchitecture. In 641, Songtsan Gambo,ruler of the Tubo Kingdom, had the Potala Palacebuilt for Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty, hisfuture bride.* e6 G8 B: L  o# Y% F, L* i; {8 G$ b
7 P5 f* n$ F5 Q/ w  简介:整座宫殿具有鲜明的藏式风格,依山而建,气势雄伟。布达拉宫中还收藏了无数的珍宝,堪称是一座艺术的殿堂。6 I3 n: |% t" y" y, ~7 l1 O$ ~

* f9 M9 h+ H5 X* `! Z7 A# m  2 Mount Everest 珠穆朗玛峰& ^3 A+ {: u9 y! \0 R& m
  As thesupremepoint of the world, the mountain topis covered withsnowall the year round,and when the glaring sun comes out, the peak becomes very pure and beautiful.
: ~- r& u5 w' A: y3 L. b9 r5 ^  作为世界的制高点,珠穆朗玛峰顶终年积雪,在阳光的照耀下,纯净而绝美。
& J$ m% k; |9 [( M  简介:位于中华人民共和国和尼泊尔交界的喜马拉雅山脉之上,终年积雪。高度8844.43m,为世界第一高峰,中国最美的、令人震撼的十大名山之一。
! [- c0 x; r$ d+ [1 y& i# g! x  3 Jokhang Temple 大昭寺
2 r8 }: s; K7 f" s  Jokhang Temple, located on Barkhor Square inLhasa, is Tibet's first Buddhist temple and is part ofthe Potala Palace. It is theultimatepilgrimagedestination for Tibetan pilgrims.: K0 k  w1 V  `+ ?" K
. I# P- l  P' f  简介:大昭寺,又名“祖拉康”、“觉康”(藏语意为佛殿),位于拉萨老城区中心,是一座藏传佛教寺院,始建于唐贞观二十一年(647年),是藏王松赞干布为纪念尺尊公主入藏而建,后经历代修缮增建,形成庞大的建筑群。大昭寺距今已有1350年的历史,全国重点文物保护单位,在藏传佛教中拥有至高无上的地位。
7 L- V, |% z" d1 }5 q4 s1 b  4 Namtso Lake 纳木措! ^: ]! j( S" m/ Q7 R
  Namtso, or Lake Nam, is one of the three holy lakes in Tibet Autonomous Region and should notbe missed by any traveler to Tibet. In Tibetan, Namtso means "Heavenly Lake." It is famous forits highaltitudeand imposing scenery.
: V4 D; @6 Y: P. p7 Z  M  纳木错(湖)是西藏三大圣湖之一,是每一个去西藏的旅行者不容错过的景点。在藏语中,“纳木错”是“天上之湖”的意思。纳木错以其高海拔和令人窒息的美景而声名远扬。8 q' P" v  j' W0 F+ }7 B) |% d# _/ M1 o
  简介:纳木错是中国第二大的咸水湖。位于西藏中部,湖面海拔4718米。湖的形状近似长方形,东西长70多千米,南北宽30多千米,面积1920多平方千米。湖水最大深度33米,蓄水量768亿立方米,为世界上海拔最高的大型湖泊。“纳木错”为藏语,而这个湖的蒙古语名称为“腾格里海”,两种名称都是“天湖”之意。' ^4 u8 x" o* x8 Q  m0 g
  5 Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon 雅鲁藏布大峡谷) t4 _. g1 f2 J% ]
  The Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon is one of thedeepest and longestcanyonsin the world. Thecanyon is home to many animals and plants barelyexplored and affected by human influence, while itsclimate ranges from subtropical to Arctic.( b' G, m: h8 W( X* r6 v* @
( N) ?# e# |3 K* d9 `' d  简介:中国西藏雅鲁藏布江下游的雅鲁藏布大峡谷是地球上最深的峡谷。大峡谷核心无人区河段的峡谷河床上有罕见的四处大瀑布群,其中一些主体瀑布落差都在30—50米。8 f/ [" O) j$ P% K3 Q* q0 D! H7 m( [
  6 Former site of Guge 古格王国, J4 q: i' }+ m  s2 `
  Guge was an ancient kingdom founded by a branch of descendents of the last king of a unifiedTibet in the 10th century. It flourished for more than 700 years before encountering civil strifeand foreign attacks and falling into disrepair. Now, visitors can see its ruins of temples andpalaces, whose inscriptions, statues and murals still remain intact.& z% a9 k- M7 }3 I: W
  古格王国是由10世纪西藏最后一个统治者的后裔建立的。在受到外族入侵而消失之前,王国繁盛长达700多年。今天,人们在王国宫殿、寺院的遗迹中仍然可以看到保存完好的碑文、雕塑和壁画。. s: M" |; j# e& {
  7 Midui Glacier 米堆冰川+ z, m3 o- K% p. X7 |+ l% p( Q$ y
  Midui Glacier, located in Yupu Township, is thelowest altitude above sea level in the world. It wasranked by China National Geography Magazine as oneof the top six most beautiful glaciers in China.Theglacier passes through four distinct regions: snow-capped mountains, forests, lakes and villages andtemples. It looks as if Nature's hand itself had takenup a brush to paint a splashed-ink landscape.
, Z( d) p" [) f+ p  米堆冰川位于玉普乡,是地球上海平面以上的最低点,被中国国家地理杂志评选为中国六条最美冰川之一。米堆冰川穿越四大区域:积雪盖顶的山脉,森林,湖泊、村庄和寺庙,仿佛大自然神笔的一副泼墨画。
, x' e# [- c% y) e! B  8 Tashilhunpo Monastery  扎什伦布寺' Y7 T. V* D; \6 ?
  Tashilhunpo Monastery, founded in 1447 by the First Dalai Lama, is one of the Big SixMonasteries of the Gelug sect of Buddhism in Tibet.
, I" J/ X7 U  N, y7 g- q  扎什伦布寺1447年由第一任达赖喇嘛建立,是西藏佛教格鲁派六大寺院之一。
2 ?& |( k* J3 E; P  9 Barkhor 八廓7 `& {+ t7 T' t
  The streets are full of religious atmosphere and showthe original Lhasa. Shops offer prayer wheels,chubas (traditional Tibetan clothing), Tibetanknives and religious articles for sale.2 v5 A  k1 }6 h) Q
  八廓街宗教氛围浓厚,呈现出拉萨的原貌。在街边的商店里可以买到传经筒、chuba(西藏传统服装)、藏刀和其他宗教物品。+ V6 m/ O) i8 o) I2 v
  10 Yambajan  羊八井
" F( W* v1 u1 Z  Yambajan is famous for its wide range of hot springs, from ones with the highest temperaturesin the country to boiling geysers. The hot springs in Yambajan contain various minerals andare believed to be therapeutic.
' p& ^, C7 }* |/ o8 O  羊八井,以拥有包括全中国温度最高的温泉以及间歇泉在内的大量温泉而著名。羊八井的温泉富含矿物质,具有治疗功效。2 e! A( G& ]1 J! Z

: P0 M$ ~! ]# o3 x' l
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