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- 2015-11-1
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- 1970-1-1
0 D; Z# o8 T, w i1 b* ~
$ R8 I" B9 M$ x( h
) V) o- v; {' l6 q5 r1 U0 `
8 y' I) C; j4 t4 n6 x& Q8 Z+ i( U5 ~6 v5 g# p& M5 m! |2 p7 z! _
玛丽莲梦露急急摁住风中翻飞的裙摆9 t4 e/ t/ p4 C( C* x
$ o. Y! h0 H9 I9 I9 |9 P6 W
奥黛丽赫本在橱窗前优雅地吃完早餐- F1 |$ p- d5 A# O& g
7 ]$ i1 Q$ \! J/ Z5 \* N- J! t
' b+ \4 T! l( H. X0 ], {* |6 b9 H4 F; W! k( H
0 x7 \8 }/ |& R+ {- m& P8 V7 v* [( {7 ?) I+ v$ h
街头金发女郎和西装革履的绅士步履匆匆$ O- \& l) W! n1 [( U0 [& d* A
0 k! U: b* V# [, |4 ]
New York1 _, ^6 b: ?7 O
4 a, K* y: ?: f2 X6 \; A( K! ~
繁忙、多金、融合4 A H% p. f! [2 C# L6 z$ }3 {/ K
1 v7 ^; M4 c" F1 q$ X5 W" R这浩浩荡荡的纽约文化
7 {% e8 Q* e, [# O }0 k
; g8 ?6 c8 @; j9 v9 h7 NThe Empire State, The Big Apple, and The City that never sleeps -- whether it’s winter, spring, summer, or fall-- New York City is an extremely popular tourist destination.
4 {+ k& V2 J- u3 U2 r$ I; M, U+ m2 N% i
帝国时代,大苹果,不夜城 — 无论是在冬天,春天,夏天还是秋天,纽约城永远都是一个极受旅行者欢迎的城市。- Q% P# \+ R1 L
; ]" w) v3 }# X. a6 uAnd, although every season offers a ton of fun options for tourists, summertime is arguably the best time of year to visit this iconic city.8 @: g& o* `- p3 v% v ]( e4 x
# m8 B8 A1 {) ]/ p% k2 T9 b虽然每个季节的纽约都有大量有趣的事情可做,但是夏季可以说是一年中参观这个标志性城市的最佳时间。
; t+ J9 V O" t$ f8 T7 e6 [
6 U7 S' P4 T) T& b( X; N- HIt’s the time of year when you can spend all day and all night, for that matter, exploring one of the world’s most well-known and exciting cities.
. I1 ?$ n! _/ f3 Y) _8 R$ H @& ^0 Y: n# X8 T
在夏天的纽约你可以整日整夜地玩乐,不停地探索这个世界上最知名,最令人兴奋的城市。$ Z3 X. { B& @6 r0 a$ b
- s( D) A4 L5 H
6 J! S- G+ @* o& _% s& l4 g
! g5 x# z' N6 d. @0 s9 B, C
Let’s talk about world famous landmarks. There is the Empire State building, which is featured in over 250 TV shows and movies.9 j0 {9 A9 ^) X1 w
, q* U4 _* v4 D% D) o首先让我们来说说那些著名的地标:在纽约,有举世闻名的帝国大厦。这座大楼曾经在超过250部的电影和电视剧中出现过!
* |4 [# x) |8 c3 J! F) b6 m9 k M9 J4 ]& t1 Q; |5 d t% ~
You’ll probably recognize it from many of your favorite films! While in New York City, you should also check out The Statue of Liberty, which was given to the people of the USA by France.: S8 {: A& U0 j4 R! O
4 {7 N* Q$ @% n' j4 [你很有可能在最喜欢的电影里认出这个建筑。在纽约的时候,你还应该去看看法国赠予美国人民的自由女神像。
5 ?6 C: E$ ]7 D4 S, a
7 ~. c1 t+ I5 ^
/ g$ ?: `; b! N8 k
$ Y \' }+ a% U: W. hFinally, a trip to New York City wouldn’t be complete without a visit to Time’s Square. Once again, you’ll probably recognize Time’s Square because it has been featured in many TV shows and movies.
! M3 ?* R& c1 f) R5 i9 C3 P8 Z# {$ a4 m* O! `$ Q
当然,如果没有参观时代广场的话,那么你的纽约之行一定是不完整的。和帝国大厦一样,你可能对时代广场的模样非常熟悉,因为它也在许多的电影和电视中出现过。* I8 d1 d" N- o. P! R9 p
! a$ e. m$ J- A! b; {' ^; p6 \( ^
After checking out New York City’s landmarks, I suggest spending some time enjoying Central park. Did you know that 40 million people visit this park every year?; J" [ F" \2 d, G2 ]( I; ^
0 B( _. l8 k* a
5 X3 T+ _4 M# x5 H5 @- e" t# m& R) q8 f& x9 @3 o" S
If you go, you’ll understand why. It’s a great place to relax if you need to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It’s also the place to go if you like outdoor concerts and plays.
" _. B; U) k9 V! r7 f2 U
8 q7 F" I8 a' V' p( f( F' c如果你也去过那边的话,你一定能了解为什么它这么受欢迎了。如果你想要远离城市的喧嚣,中央公园是放松身心的好地方。如果你喜欢户外音乐会和戏剧,中央公园也是一个理想去处。 d; j( e1 X! o( r+ ~6 X- |
1 S: }& G0 o7 o* F8 m
* T- c1 T6 ^& l; R* g. M; x% F/ F& @* C( f; k8 v* w
If you’re travelling on a budget, you’re in luck. During the summer, there are lots of free shows!
9 \, ?. u- U/ q5 r% c/ a
) @: f4 u2 B. V如果你的旅行预算有限,那么你的运气不错 — 在夏季,中央公园有很多的免费演出!2 e/ i( p: ?: E/ _3 |: T( h5 }
4 i" y% F3 B* R; a3 K
Another reason to visit New York City in the summer is because that’s the time of year when the streets are full of food vendors.+ q) T1 a% V. k+ T0 N
9 I6 ~" H2 Y- O \/ x K2 p在夏天去纽约还有另一大原因,那就是夏天是一年中街头随处可见食品摊贩的时节。) l0 g; V3 w$ t" X
0 l, f% s1 u4 e& V+ a) `% |4 |
New York City is one of the most multi-cultural cities in the world. So, regardless of what type of cuisine you’re looking for, you’ll be able to find the world’s best on the streets of New York city.5 r( H) R0 m( C7 @9 [
* y7 P% I8 G7 ~; Z1 T纽约是世界上文化最多元的城市之一。 因此,无论你在寻找什么类型的美食,你都能在纽约街头找到。7 D: V3 F- o( T9 ^
4 N1 Q u/ S6 r" Q) A0 p+ Y
0 o& L: A* ^- D0 a5 h
4 ]3 ^& V& t' d2 g$ O2 mWhen you’re planning future summer vacations, consider New York city as a travel destination.& w* ~3 D6 `# N8 x, l* [
, D( u* M( q: W( z' L# q如果你刚好在为之后制定旅行计划,那么你不妨考虑一下,将纽约作为你的目的地。
# W" A! Q4 D/ ~; C, `3 o6 z7 U0 D8 K/ g6 L& h
You’ll be able to see landmarks from your favorite films, relax in Central Park, and enjoy food from all over the world! Safe travels!5 Z: `/ V" V z+ Y
3 Y& k% W2 O1 _
你将能够看到自己喜欢的电影中的地标,在中央公园放松身心,享受来自世界各地的美食! 安全旅行!5 O( a4 o6 D- R8 u/ X1 N* J
6 l+ r- u% r% b, UThat’s it for today on three minute world. Thanks for listening.
4 T' H3 ]4 i" F3 U4 A1 \5 r$ K/ h) [6 X
今天的内容就到这里。感谢聆听。" K& Q; V9 o) _7 c$ Y; r9 p- H
_; S- d7 ^' ?5 T% S5 p, c6 [现安亭沃尔得英语回馈广大客户,公众号留下您的姓名联系方式,即可获得沃尔得英语三天线上课程体验卡一张,名额有限,先到先得!8 e! \/ Y! k$ f- h3 Y( l' z
0 U* c4 {" F9 r